Why do my personal emails xxxx@OUTLOOK.COM (and xxx@LIVE.CA) fail DMARC?
I am not the owner of the OUTLOOK.COM and LIVE.CA domains so how can I set up the DMARC records?
As of Feb 1, 2024 Google and Yahoo check DMARC records. I am a home user, subscribing to Microsoft 365 Family. I have two personal email addresses, XXXX@OUTLOOK.COM and XXXX@LIVE.CA. I can send the emails but the recipients do not get my emails delivered.
Here is the error report for one email sent from my xxxx@LIVE.CA address:
SkySnag shows my personal LIVE.CA address passes SPF check and fails DMARC (and TLS-RPT and MTA-STS). Anyone can check their email address at https://www.skysnag.com/domain-results/?domain={email-address}/
Here is the error shown for one of the rejected emails (image removed):
Postmaster.yahooinc.com rejects email because my personal email address fails DMARC
I have checked the article learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/email-authentication-dmarc-configure. But I am not the owner of these domains so I am not sure how to proceed.