I've added a detailed explanation for this at your Stack Exchange post: https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/279205/could-database-with-compat-level-100-support-columnstore-index
Could database with compat level 100 support columnstore index?
Hi everyone. I asked this question previously on other forums, but didn't get satisfied answer. I hope I could find the answer here. So, I have an instance which runs on SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition instance. I restored database ContosoRetailDW which had compatibility level 100. After restore operation, I run the following query:
The columnstore index was successfully created.
My question is related to the compat level. As far as I know, the columnstore index concept itself was came out in SQL Server 2012. Moreover, the clustered columnstore index was released in SQL Server 2014. How come database with compat level 100 support clustered columnstore index? It seems that database still inherits features of the current instance