Hi @Fikret Kaçmaz
First, I strongly advise you to review the free service page and Avoid charges with your Azure free account - Microsoft Cost Management | Microsoft Learn to become more familiar which services are free. Some services such as Azure VMs, DDoS, and others can quickly consume the $200 credit. You can refer to Monitor and track Azure free service usage - Microsoft Cost Management | Microsoft Learn to review your costs but you should see the available credit on the overview blade of your subscription. Should look something like the following...
If you don't see any credit, then it's quite possible that you utilized a service(s) that consumed the credit and the Subscription overview blade will indicate which service(s) that was.
Wherese my 200dollar free credit
Fikret Kaçmaz
Reputation points
Hi ı should have get 200 dollar credit. but ı cant see my credits on profile. Am ı good to go with free usage ?
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Ryan Hill 27,686 Reputation points Microsoft Employee