Microsoft Word Table of Contents not displaying all figures/tables
Hi -- I'm working on a 750-page document that was generated by a contractor but has been heavily edited in-house. When I generate a Table of Contents, the Table of Figures includes only some of the tables (and only one of two Figures). I have gone through all of the tables and made sure the titles are all in Captions style. I have accepted all changes in the Table titles. I have tried removing the Table of Contents and re-generating. I have copied the document into a blank document into a blank document (both with and without the final character).
In Chapter 9 Tables 9-1 through 9-5 show up in the TOC but not Tables 9-6 through 9-13. Table 11-1 Shows up, but not Tables 11-2 through 11-20.
Also, the title of Table 7-1 doesn't show up even though it's highlighted in the Style.