CH CharanKanalaCreated on November 13, 2020 Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault Deprecated ? Unable to use Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package with .NET Framework based applications
Below site says that Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault package has been deprecated and use package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets instead.
I have developed an Azure Function with .NET Framework 7.2 and tried to use Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package to access Secrets from Azure KeyVault.
But unable to authenticate Key Vault and getting File Not Found error.
Same Azure Function with .NET Core 2.0 is working fine.
My question is whether Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package is compatible with .NET Framework? To use Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package is it mandatory to use applications built with .NET Core only ?
How can we use the new package Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secret package in .NET Framework based application like Azure Function (Azure run time version 1) to connect to Azure Key Vault.
Charan Kanala