Hi @ZoeHui-MSFT ,
I am not using a stored procedure in the report.
I have looked in the log files. I see the following...
When I go into the report, I see the following 3 lines. There are two parameters that pull values from the database...
library!ReportServer_0-41!2098!11/16/2020-08:49:32:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails). User: ASPCA\danl.
library!ReportServer_0-41!1f90!11/16/2020-08:49:33:: i INFO: Entering StreamRequestHandler.ExecuteCommand - Command = StyleSheet
library!ReportServer_0-41!1f90!11/16/2020-08:49:33:: i INFO: Exiting StreamRequestHandler.ExecuteCommand - Command = StyleSheet (success)
Once I fill in all my parameters and hit View Report, the following line is added...
library!ReportServer_0-41!620!11/16/2020-08:52:49:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails). User: ASPCA\danl.
The SSRS report says Loading and the wheel just spins.
When the report does work (again, it doesn't always fail), I get these lines in the log...
library!ReportServer_0-41!1f90!11/16/2020-09:00:03:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails). User: ASPCA\danl.
library!ReportServer_0-41!1c80!11/16/2020-09:00:04:: i INFO: Entering StreamRequestHandler.ExecuteCommand - Command = StyleSheet
library!ReportServer_0-41!1c80!11/16/2020-09:00:04:: i INFO: Exiting StreamRequestHandler.ExecuteCommand - Command = StyleSheet (success)
library!ReportServer_0-41!308!11/16/2020-09:00:44:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails). User: ASPCA\danl.
library!ReportServer_0-41!308!11/16/2020-09:00:47:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails). User: ASPCA\danl.
library!ReportServer_0-41!308!11/16/2020-09:00:47:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/AnTox Reports/Case Reports/TherapyDetails')
On the report server, I run the following command to see what reports have been executed...
USE ReportServer;
SELECT el2.username,
isnull(el2.Parameters, 'N/A') as Parameters
FROM ExecutionLog2 el2
order by el2.TimeStart desc
If the report actually works and returns data, I see a row in the output. However, if it is just where Loading is just spinning, I don't see a row in the results.
As for never timing out, the default is set to 30 minutes. I thought I let one go longer than that and didn't see it time out. Since I don't really want to wait 30 minutes, I changed the time out to 5 minutes. I ran the report a number of times (because it worked the first 4 or 5 times) and finally got one that wasn't working. After 5 minutes, it still said Loading with the wheel spinning. I had a meeting, so I let it just run. It has been almost 40 minutes and still hasn't canceled. I thought maybe the report timeout of 5 minutes may not have worked, but the system timeout of 30 minutes didn't work either.
Also, when I kick off the report, I go to SSMS and keep running the following query on the database that the report hits. Now, there is a small chance that I could miss it. However, the report should take at least 10-20 seconds and I am not seeing it pop into the results...
SELECT sqltext.TEXT,
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext