Why does the clock reset after first restart after imaging? (Windows 11)
We use SCCM to image a variety of laptops and we also use TLS to connect to the WiFi. For some reason, after the imaging is completed everything is working correctly, no issues. But after the first restart the time goes back 6 hours and won't allow the device to connect to our WiFi (TLS/Cert authentication, too large of a time difference to accept the certificate).
I've checked the time settings and registry, they are set to the correct time zone (UTC -6:00) and interestingly enough, if I set the time zone to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC 0:00) the time corrects itself to the correct value but the WiFi still won't connect.
Another note, after the image is complete and upon first login, under additional settings in date & time, it shows a successful time synchronization to our DC. But then, after the first restart, it shows the same date/time of the successful synchronization but shows from BIOS. I've checked the BIOS, it's the correct time. To fix this, I have to connect the laptop to a different WiFi, let the time Sync and then I can reconnect to the proper WiFi. After that, no matter how many restarts, the clock stays the same.