Based off the error message, your app registration is missing the web platform redirect url. You just need to add the your plugins uri that will accept the token. But I'm not too familiar with the plugin though so I'm not certain what additional configuration, if any, needs to be done. But I did find links, Tutorial - Configuración de receptores con plugin OauthIMAP / Spanish support / Forum GLPI-Project and OAuth IMAP — GLPI plugins documentation (, that may be helpful.
Error AADSTS50011: The redirect URI
Jackson Pedrini
Reputation points
I'm using Azure Application Registration, with the Oauth Imap plugin. However, when I provide the user's access data and try to authenticate, the attached error appears.
Now try the procedure in this article. But I can't enter Microsoft Login ID. The attached error appears.
Accepted answer
Ryan Hill 28,191 Reputation points Microsoft Employee