Other than Serverless, the only other way to scale up and down a database quickly is to co-locate the databases on an Elastic Pool or Managed Instance and stagger their use of the shared Elastic Pool/MI resources.
Scale up and down SQL Azure databases quickly
Hey folks,
Is there any better way to scale up and down SQL azure databases quickly? This takes significant amount of time specifically when using standard pricing tier with DTU model and when databases are bit larger in size.
We know that there are tools, scripts or commands can do it but the issue is with the time taken to scale up and down such databases (even from azure portal). We are also aware that the time taken is directly proportional to the size of the database but looking for inputs if there is any better and faster way to do it.
Currently, this is making it almost impossible to write data processing pipelines that first scales up the databases before running their transformations and scale it down at the end.