want to don`t view message "Location unavailable" and buzy icon
I am creating a system to link microsoft resources with my application.
Create resources for bookings.
I use Microsoft Graph to set up my application to receive subscriptions when an event is registered on a resource for bookings.
No appointments will be registered from the calendar for booking resources.
Open the outlook calendar of the user who will register the appointment.
Add the resource for the booking to the location.
[use case]
- User A (******@example.microsoft.com) -
1.Register an appointment in the outlook calendar.
date: 5/7 AM 9:00
location: resources for bookings.(******@example.microsoft.com)
- User B (******@example.microsoft.com) -
1.Register an appointment in the outlook calendar.
date:5/7 AM 9:00
location: resources for bookings.(******@example.microsoft.com)
2.Location unavailable.
push to send anyway.
You can register appointments because you allow conflicts.
but being able to display #image 1 and image 2 is undesirable.
Is there a way to always perform the same steps as UserA, even if the times of resource use conflict?
Exchange Online PowerShell
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ******@example.microsoft.com -AllowConflicts $true
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity ******@example.microsoft.com -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False
※ email addresses and user names are fictitious