How to fix GitHub CICD build failing on Azure Static Web Apps workflow.
My react application has dependencies which require node 20 or 18 at least but Azure Static Web Apps CI/CD is downgrading my app to use node 16. If this is the case if the app builds successfully, it won't work well due to node dependencies issues.
To replicate this issue
1. clone my repo. It's just a react app, scaffolded with vite and it has the below dependencies(react, typescript and tailwind css).
2. I went to azure port and provisioned azure static web app.
3. Deployment details Source : Github
4. Selected the Org,repo and branch
5. Build presets : react
6. App location : /
7. Output location : dist
8. Then I went to the GitHub Actions and this is the first warning on the annotation
9. Then on the build and deploy step keeps on warning while the npm install commands start
10. The app does not deploy successfully.