Three typos found on page:
Typo 1: In paragraph 7 that begins "Model-driven applications", wording should be updated
- Text is: "or they can iusePower BI integration to create"
- Text should be: "or they can use the Power BI integration to create"

Typo 2: Also in paragraph 7 that begins "Model-driven applications", wording should be updated
- Text is "directly from their model app."
- Text should be: "directly from their model-driven app."

Typo 3: In paragraph 8 that begins "In the example ...", a word should be removed.
- Text is: "generate a property listings report in Power BI that breaks down different its real estate data in different ways."
- Text should be: "generate a property listings report in Power BI that breaks down its real estate data in different ways.