Hi @Mike ,
You could use full join instead of left join in your case after adding one row in #B.
Please refer the updated one from below and check whether it is helpful to you.
Select isnull(a.Icode,b.Icode) Icode,isnull(a.Qid,b.Qid) Qid,
isnull(a.Qcode,b.Qcode) Qcode,isnull(a.Ifname,b.Ifname) Ifname,
isnull(a.ILname,b.ILname) ILname,
case when a.Qid=b.Qid and a.Qcode=b.Qcode then 'All records are same'
when a.Qid<>b.Qid and a.Qcode=b.Qcode then 'Qid is not same'
when a.Qid=b.Qid and a.Qcode<>b.Qcode then 'Qcode is not same'
when b.Icode is null then 'This is missing in table #B'
when a.Icode is null then 'This is missing in table #A'
end Comments
from #A a
full join #B b
on a.Icode=b.Icode and a.Ifname=b.Ifname and a.ILname=b.ILname
order by isnull(a.Icode,b.Icode),isnull(a.Qid,b.Qid)
Icode Qid Qcode Ifname ILname Comments
1929 10 A Smith Sam All records are same
1929 11 B Jane Alam All records are same
1930 11 B Filip John All records are same
1930 12 A Sam John Qid is not same
1930 13 C Johni John Qid is not same
1931 11 A Jimmi Khan All records are same
1931 12 B Marci Khan This is missing in table #B
1939 12 A John K This is missing in table #A
Best regards
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