@Pierre Aubeuf @KapilAnanth-MSFT
I have migrated (using the portal "Migrate to ARM" functionality) Classic Cloud Services, and those seem to have transitioned to Cloud Services (Extended Support) along with their [custom].cloudapp.net domain names. I haven't seen any documentation suggesting that cloudapp.net domain names like that will be removed after August 31st—in fact, this page simply says, "The DNS name and domain (cloudapp.net) for the migrated cloud service remains the same." If it's true that my already-migrated cloud services will no longer have their current "cloudapp.net" domain names after August 31st, that is also a big deal for us, so I want to make sure I understand what's happening.
Is Pierre's issue simply that a newly created Cloud Service (extended support) deployment cannot be assigned a cloudapp.net domain name? Could Pierre use the provided migration functionality to preserve his current cloudapp.net domain names?