At around 10am (BST), our Azure Synapse Analytics pipelines started failing with the following error message:
Operation on target Copy data failed: Failure happened on 'Source' side. ErrorCode=SqlOperationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=A database operation failed with the following error: '[This query cannot be executed because we can't get enough capacity for optimal performance in time. This can be an intermittent issue. Please retry later.]
Statement ID: {A3222557-9848-4329-B49B-3250AFCF4A65} | Query hash: 0x60A39422D3E24000 | Distributed request ID: {30D57CD9-66B0-4310-AAC4-B5C0C349BF1A}. Total size of data scanned is 0 megabytes, total size of data moved is 0 megabytes, total size of data written is 0 megabytes.',Source=,''Type=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException,Message=[This query cannot be executed because we can't get enough capacity for optimal performance in time. This can be an intermittent issue. Please retry later.]
Statement ID: {A3222557-9848-4329-B49B-3250AFCF4A65} | Query hash: 0x60A39422D3E24000 | Distributed request ID: {30D57CD9-66B0-4310-AAC4-B5C0C349BF1A}. Total size of data scanned is 0 megabytes, total size of data moved is 0 megabytes, total size of data written is 0 megabytes.,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=70001,Class=17,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=1,Errors=[{Class=17,Number=70001,State=1,Message=[This query cannot be executed because we can't get enough capacity for optimal performance in time. This can be an intermittent issue. Please retry later.],},{Class=0,Number=15885,State=1,Message=Statement ID: {A3222557-9848-4329-B49B-3250AFCF4A65} | Query hash: 0x60A39422D3E24000 | Distributed request ID: {30D57CD9-66B0-4310-AAC4-B5C0C349BF1A}. Total size of data scanned is 0 megabytes, total size of data moved is 0 megabytes, total size of data written is 0 megabytes.,},],'
Also, we are receiving the following error message when running a simple 'SELECT TOP (1000)' query against all of our serverless SQL environments:
Msg 70001, Level 17, State 1, Line 2 [This query cannot be executed because we can't get enough capacity for optimal performance in time. This can be an intermittent issue. Please retry later.]
Is this likely a Microsoft UK South outage issue or a problem with our own resources?
Thank you