Hi Amit Kumar ,
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced issue while trying the exercise of Microsoft Learn path.
When you use this command on Azure Cloud Shell:
az acr build --registry $REGISTRYNAME --image expressimage you get an error:
(TasksOperationsNotAllowed) ACR Tasks requests for the registry <containerRegistryName> and <password> are not permitted.
Customer shared -
Here are the few steps for using Docker CLI commands :
1.I discovered a workaround using Docker CLI commands.
2.Login to the ACR using az acr login -n $ACRNAME -p <password>
Tag the image first- docker tag <image name>:latest <ACR registry name>.azurecr.io/<image name>
3.Push the image to ACR from docker - docker push <ACR registry name>.azurecr.io/<image name>
The images will now appear in your ACR - az acr repository list --name $ACRNAME --output table
Here is the referral link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77982084/how-to-fix-tasksoperationsnotallowed-acr-tasks-requests-for-the-registry-cont#:~:text=The%20error%20message%20%22TasksOperationsNotAllowed%22%20occurs%20when%20ACR%20Tasks,has%20the%20required%20permissions%20to%20perform%20ACR%20tasks. Please let us know if they were helpful and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you face any issue.
Thank you.