Hello FanFan,
would you please tell how did you move the mapping drive, did you change this by replace the old network path with the new one?
I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean here.. The mapping is done as a group policy and other than cloning the DC to a new server
and upgrading the o/s to Window Server 2019 Datacenter, there was no change made to the group policy. The mapping that is failing is towards
an existing file server that had no o/s upgrade. The file server remains with Windows 2008 R2 . This DC policy towards this file server did not get changed
or altered in any way.
I wasn't the person that did cloning/update, but as a part of our support team I'm trying to understand why the mapping has failed now.
We do have other drive mappings as part of our group policy for drive mapping that did not fail. Only the mapping that pertains to the user's
home directory appears to be our only mapping failure.
run gpresult /h
I did this and the report comes out clean and no errors were found.
Dcdiag /v > c:\dcdag1.log
As I was not familiar with this command I had to look it up. The command was not available on our 2019 server.
Repadmin /showrepl >C\rptl.txt
Repadmin /showreps *
Again, not familiar with the command, but after reading about it I decided to run it to show only errors... so I did
repadmin /showrepl /errorsonly
No errors were found.