The following is a code sequence that removes 3 files in a folder and then attempts to delete the folder. The 3 files are successfully removed but attempts the remove the folder yield a "Path/File access error" message.
`Sub testTDD()
Dim pathName As String
pathName = "E:\fiskDev_Excel\Models"
testDelDir pathName
End Sub
Sub testDelDir(pathName)
Dim fName As String
Dim errFlg, msg, errMsg As String
On Error GoTo EHL1
If dirExists(pathName) Then
'Empty the pathName directory
fName = dir(pathName & "\")
Do While fName <> ""
Kill (pathName & "\" & fName)
fName = dir(pathName & "\")
'Remove the empty pathName directory
RmDir (pathName)
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox err.description
End Sub`
The following is a screen shot of the permissions for the folder "E:\fiskDev_Excel\Models"
I was logged in a Dennis Jelavic
As a side note, the application from which this problem came has been working happily for 10 years until the other day. I don't know what has happened to cause the problem.