My customer is trying to complete MS Learn modules in the free subscription and is being asked to enter credit card information in order to complete the Databricks modules. They are not happy about this.
Following the instructions at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/describe-azure-databricks/3-create-workspace-cluster will lead to the following error when starting the instance:
Cluster terminated. Reason: Cloud Provider Launch Failure
A cloud provider error was encountered while launching worker nodes. See the Databricks guide for more information.
Azure error code: OperationNotAllowed
Azure error message: The operation couldn't be completed. Databricks quota estimation shows that you don't have sufficient CPU core for instance type Standard_DS3_v2 to launch the cluster. Consider increasing quota for the instance type, decreasing quota usage and trying again later
The only way around it is to request a capacity increase to complete the training but to make that request you cannot have a free subscription, you must put a credit card in and upgrade to "pay as you go" subscription.
This should be fixed. Customers should not have to put in credit card information to complete free training modules.