looking at this(https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/5989/sharepoint-backup-and-restore/) backup/restore article you sent me to, I tried the 'recover content from unattached database' and saw that it also showed two instances of the same site collection in that database.
A google search lead me to this page https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/3837.how-to-identify-and-clean-up-orphan-sites-and-orphan-contentdatabases-in-sharepoint.aspx
which included a command to delete a site by site ID from a particular database - I executed this command:
stsadm -o deletesite -databaseserver spsqldev -databasename contentDBName -siteid "4f8d9832-196c-4ecc-ae4d-56e05ff25c44" -force
Then dismounted the content database and re-mounted it. After that, the content database showed the current content!
I tested this twice in two separate dev environments. I'll now do the same procedure in prod.
Thanks for your response, which pointed me in the right direction.