I'm trying to get items from a large list with graph (using an http call). I'm filtering by a column (which is indexed) and the filtered result is over 5000 items, so I'm getting the list view threshold error, "The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold.".
My call: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/siteid/lists/listid/items?$top=100&$filter=fields/ProcessingStatus eq 'Processed'
But it seems that no matter what value I use for $top, it doesn't work.
Note that I can omit the $filter, get all items, and page through them, but once I include the $filter clause, it fails.
When I do the same query with CSOM, I'm able to use the "AllowIncrementalResults" on the CamlQuery object to successfully page through the more than 5000 filtered results that return.
Is there an equivalent in graph? Shouldn't the combination of $top and $filter work? Is there a special header I should include in the http call to allow paging?