@Apurva Pathak That's a great question! When it comes to managing updates for your Windows servers, both Azure Update Manager (UM) and Group Policy Objects (GPO) can play significant roles. However, the precedence between these two can be a bit tricky.
In general, GPO settings are applied at the system level and can enforce specific configurations, including update schedules. If you have GPO settings that automatically manage updates, these settings will typically take precedence over other configurations, including those set by Azure Update Manager.
To ensure that Azure Update Manager schedules take precedence, you might need to adjust or disable the relevant GPO settings that manage updates. This way, the servers will follow the schedules defined in Azure Update Manager instead of the GPO settings.
It's always a good practice to test this configuration on a small set of servers before applying it broadly to ensure that the desired behavior is achieved without any unintended consequences.
If you need further assistance or have more questions, feel free to reply to this post!
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