So, I have my app working with maps for Android and Widows
As you can see on windows a can always see the info of my pin, label and address
On Android is different
I can see my pin, and when I click, I can enable the pin info window
I made this work with mvvm, so I had to make my custom pin
public class CustomPin : Pin {
public static readonly BindableProperty MarkerClickedCommandProperty =
public ICommand? MarkerClickedCommand {
get => (ICommand)GetValue(MarkerClickedCommandProperty);
set => SetValue(MarkerClickedCommandProperty, value);
public CustomPin() {
MarkerClicked += CoutomPin_MarkerClicked;
private void CoutomPin_MarkerClicked(object? sender, PinClickedEventArgs e) {
if (MarkerClickedCommand?.CanExecute(this) == true) {
e.HideInfoWindow = true;
Create a class with a Command
public class PinModel {
public string? Label { get; set; }
public string? Address { get; set; }
public Location? Location { get; set; }
public ICommand? MarkerClickedCommand { get; set; }
A service to pass a command
public class TurbinesService {
public static ObservableCollection<PinModel> GetPins(ICommand pinSelectedComman) {
new PinModel{
Label = "Charge station",
Address = "Av. de las Américas, Guayaquil 090513, Ecuador",
Location = new Location(-2.151993, -79.886109),
MarkerClickedCommand = pinSelectedComman
and the view Model to handle everything
public ObservableCollection<PinModel>? Pins { get; set; }
public ICommand? OnPinMarkerClickedCommand { get; }
public MainPageViewModel() {
OnPinMarkerClickedCommand = new Command<Pin>(OnPinMarkerClicked);
Pins = TurbinesService.GetPins(OnPinMarkerClickedCommand);
private void MapLoaded(Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps.Map map) {
void OnPinMarkerClicked(Pin pin) {
if (pin != null) {
// Handle the pin click event
Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"{nameof(TurbineDetailPage)}", new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "SelectedPin", pin }
Note, I created a MapLoaded command, to try and show the info Window
<mct:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding DisappearingCommand}"
EventName="Disappearing" />
<maps:Map ItemsSource="{Binding Pins}" x:Name="TirbinesMap">
<mct:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="Loaded"
Command="{Binding MapLoadedCommand}"
CommandParameter="{x:Reference TirbinesMap}" />
<DataTemplate x:DataType="model:PinModel">
Address="{Binding Address}"
Label="{Binding Label}"
Location="{Binding Location}"
MarkerClickedCommand="{Binding MarkerClickedCommand}" />
I am using
Windows 11
Visuaal Studio 2022
Net 8
Android, Windows