Hello @Anonymous Based on the provided information, it seems that the host was killed due to the CPU threshold being exceeded. This could have caused the first run to fail without leaving any trace. Regarding the delay before the second try, it is possible that the visibilityTimeout of 5 seconds was not enough for the function to complete processing the message.
When a message is dequeued, it becomes invisible to other consumers for the duration of the visibilityTimeout.
If the function takes longer than the visibilityTimeout to process the message, the message becomes visible again and can be dequeued by another consumer. In your case, it seems that the function took more than 5 seconds to process the message, causing it to become visible again and dequeued by the same function instance after more than 10 minutes.
You may want to consider increasing the visibilityTimeout to allow more time for the function to process the message.
Also, it is worth noting that the newBatchThreshold setting in host.json is set to 0, which means that the function will retrieve a new batch of messages as soon as the current batch is processed.
This could potentially cause the function to retrieve messages faster than it can process them, leading to delays and potential failures. You may want to consider increasing the newBatchThreshold to avoid this issue.