Signing client's userbase into Azure App Service using client's Outlook OpenID Connect.
I am having difficulty setting up sign ins through my client's Outlook to my app.
I want to make sure I am understanding the process corretly.
- App Registration - Redirect URI:
- Identity Provider Connect - Using OpenID Metadata, App Client Id and Secret from (1)
- App Registration - Redirect URI: https://<YOUR_SITE>/.auth/login/aadb2c/callback
- Authentication on Web App - Metadata URL: https://<TENANT_NAME><TENANT_NAME><POLICY_NAME>/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration
Client ID and Secret from (3)
The docs seem to be somewhat dispersed, and this is what I could gather.
However, doing this has been unsuccessful, with errors such as ( and "A claim with id "UserId" was not found, which is required by ClaimsTransformation 'CreateAlternativeSecurityId' in policy 'B2C_1_signin' of tenant.
I would appreciate if you could confirm my understanding of the process, and also if you could offer some help on these errors.
Thanks, Richard