I had subscribed to Microsoft Azure on a free trial basis for learning, and now I am being charged for what I am not using. I deleted the subscription, yet I receive bills. Researching on just to deactivate it and stop these unwanted charges wasted my whole day. Went through every possible steps suggested on support group too.
Despite paying the bill last month (unwanted bill), a new bill has been generated this month, too. I have no idea what's going on; is my account attached to some sort of subscription that I don't know about?
I had some email support from a person who said they were from Microsoft, but it seemed sketchy at the time. It's possible this originated from that support conversation, or perhaps Microsoft is just making cancellation a pain in the butt so people will pay.
It really frustrates me to think that I am being charged for something that isn't in use.
Anybody help?