Hello Michael,
As per the latest information by Microsoft the implementation of mandatory MFA will be rolled out in phases. The first batch of tenants will receive mandatory MFA on October 15, 2024, and the last batch is expected to receive it by March 15, 2025. Customers who feel they will not be ready by the October 15, 2024, date can request a grace period, which will end on March 15, 2025.
Check link for better understanding:- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/authentication/concept-mandatory-multifactor-authentication
Over your question you are unable to perform the task below are the recommendation check out the same.
- For conditional access policy you should have Premium P2 / P3 license available over Entra ID as this policy feature is not available for free AD.
- To achieve the same you have to create a group and apply policy over the same and license cost will be user based.
- Alternate method to achieve mfa is you can go ahead with bulk update over entra id.
Path ==> Entra ID ==> Users ==>Per user mfa ==> Bulk update ==> Download template ==> Update as per your requirement ==> Upload updated csv ==> completed