Hi all;
Blazor Interactive Server - in my MainLayout.razor I have:
<!-- lots of nodes -->
<ErrorContent Context="error">
<main class="page--error">
<div class="main-content">
var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
Logger.LogError(error, $"{error.GetType().Name}: {guid}");
<h1>Unexpected Error (sorry)</h1>
The program has encountered an unexpected error (yes there are expected errors). This error has been
logged and we will look at it.
When it throws an exception handling an event in one of my components, it never gets to the <ErrorContent>
. Why not?
And what do I need to do to log the exception? I want to avoid having to try/catch everywhere just to log the exception.
In addition this occurs silently. No error is displayed to the user. I want to put up a message that says something happened, provide them an error number (guid) and ask them to contact support. I can then use that guid to find the issue in the logs to see what happened.
The code throwing the exception is fired off by OnSelectResources
<SelectOrganizations Data="@_allOrganizations"
Which is:
public EventCallback<IEnumerable<Organization>?> Click { get; set; }
Which is declared as:
<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Primary"
Enabled="@(Values?.Count() > 0 && Values?.Count() <= @MaxAllowSelected)"
Click="OnSelect" />
And calls:
private void OnSelect()
Visible = false;
_receivedClick = true;
if (Click.HasDelegate)
Update: As stated above, this is InteractiveServer
mode. In App.razor I have:
<HeadOutlet @rendermode="RenderMode.InteractiveServer" />
<Routes @rendermode="RenderMode.InteractiveServer" />
??? - thanks - dave