Microsoft Word 365 - Pass in location for mail merge file
Hello all,
I am trying to setup a mail merge document that will be called from a batch file and use the local version of a CSV file as the merge file.
For example, I have a BAT file - G:\dept\letters\letters.bat that contains %OFC_EXE% G:\DEPT\Letters\FirstLetter.docx /q to call Word (OFC_EXE containing the path to winword.exe). There is also a CSV file G:\dept\letters\input.csv.
I want to put the BAT file in R:\send\letters.bat and have the document FirstLetter.docx use the input.csv file from R:\send. This would be the same for about 7 or 8 other locations - use the same Word document but merge the local version of input.csv.
Any suggestions/guidance would be appreciated.