Re-create the link of on-prem AD group to EntraId object using graph APIs
Hello everyone,
I am trying to recreate EntraId group object (if for some reason the group was deleted on the EntraID side) which was created with Cloud Sync from on-prem AD.
Is there an API which would enable the "sync link" recreation also during group creation (or some API which can be called later to add link with/to on-prem object), similar like it can be done for user objects with setting "onPremisesImmutableId" parameter?
From provisoning logs it can be seen like the group has aslo similar property as users("onPremisesImmutableId") namde for groups as "OnPremisesObjectIdentifier" - can this identifier be set for groups somehow and would this help to recover link to on-prem object?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,