Hi @Lygel D'Mello Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum. Thank you for posting this question here.
In line with your observation, I too noticed that the command az logic workflow list
does not return any workflows from Standard logic apps. However, it does return the workflows from Consumption Logic apps. Perhaps, this is by design. Looking into the issue further, I stumbled across a similar post, How to list all workflows in a logic app where a couple of alternate approaches have been specified on how to get the workflows from a Standard Logic app.
I have tested and can confirm that either of the following two commands can be used to retrieve the workflows
az resource show --ids /subscriptions/<subscrptionid>/resourceGroups/<resorcegroupname>/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/<standardlogicappname>/workflows/
az resource show --ids $(az logicapp show --name <logicappname> --resource-group <resourcegroupname> --subscription '<sunscription_name>' | jq -r '.id | rtrimstr("/") + "/workflows/"')
Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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