By geofence I'm assuming polygon, so you would be looking for a point in polygon algorithm. This can be done fairly quickly, even in JavaScript code.
Turf.js is a fairly popular JavaScript library that does spatial calculations. With that you would most likely want to use the booleanPointInPolygon
That said, the actual code for point in polygon test is fairly small and you could simply do the following without a library:
function pointInPolygon(point, polygonRing) {
let x = point[0], y = point[1];
let inside = false;
for (let i = 0, j = polygonRing.length - 1; i < polygonRing.length; j = i++) {
let xi = polygonRing[i][0], yi = polygonRing[i][1];
let xj = polygonRing[j][0], yj = polygonRing[j][1];
let intersect = ((yi > y) !== (yj > y)) &&
(x < (xj - xi) * (y - yi) / (yj - yi) + xi);
if (intersect) inside = !inside;
return inside;
// Example usage:
const polygon = [[1,1], [1,3], [3,3], [3,1]];
const point = [2,2];
console.log(pointInPolygon(point, polygon)); // true
The above code tests if a GeoJSON Position is within a polygon ring. This can be expanded out to support polygons with holes, and multipolygons if needed as follows:
//Takes in a GeoJSON Position and the coordinates of a Polygon object (number[][][]).
function pointInPolygonWithHoles(point, polygonCoords) {
if(!polygonCoords || polygonCoords.length === 0) {
return false;
//The first ring of a polygon should be the exterior ring and all other rings are holes.
//So test that the point is in the first ring and not in the others.
let isWithin = pointInPolygon(point, polygonCoords[0]);
if(isWithin && polygonCoords.length > 1) {
//Check the holes.
for(let i = 1; i < polygonCoords.length; i++){
if(pointInPolygon(point, polygonCoords[i])){
//If we make it here, the point is in the hole and thus, not in the polyogn. We can fail quickly now and don't need to test the other polygons.
isWithin = false;
return isWithin;
//Takes in a GeoJSON Position and the coordinates of a MultiPolygon object (number[][][][]).
function pointInMultiPolygon(point, multiPolygonCoords) {
if(!multiPolygonCoords || multiPolygonCoords.length === 0) {
return false;
//If the point is in any polygon, then it's successful.
for(let i = 1; i < multiPolygonCoords.length; i++){
if(pointInPolygonWithHoles(point, multiPolygonCoords[i])){
return true;
return false;
//Takes in a GeoJSON Position and any GeoJson Geometry object.
function pointInGeometry(point, geometry){
if(geometry.type === 'Polygon'){
return pointInPolygonWithHoles(geometry.coordinates);
} else if(geometry.type === 'MultiPolygon'){
return pointInMultiPolygon(geometry.coordinates);
//Lines and Point types should fail.
return false;
If you are using a different programming language, there are many spatial math libraries available depending on your target language. For example, if using .NET, the NET topology suite is popular: