Hello @SantoshHaribabu-3135 ,
Thank you for your question.
To install the Microsoft Sentinel Training Lab Solution, you need an existing Microsoft Sentinel workspace. Doesn’t matter if it already has data or if it’s brand new, you can deploy this solution on top of the workspace and all the artifacts will be deployed on top of it.
During the installation process of the Microsoft Sentinel Training Lab solution, when asked to select the Resource Group, Choose the RG that contains your sentinel workspace. The other way would be to create a new sentinel workspace and select this new RG and Sentinel Workspace when installing the Training Solution.
Microsoft Sentinel Training Lab Solution - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-sentinel-blog/learning-with-the-microsoft-sentinel-training-lab/ba-p/2953403
Reference to the official documentation for additional steps on creating onboarding to sentinel.
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