Hello Mohamed,
Thanks for reaching out to us and share the insight here. Are you mentioning you want to just remove the oldest file from your file list and add a new one?
This scenario seems not covered in the official document.
I know there is a 20 files limit for code interpreter from OpenAI document but it seems the Azure official document not mentions it.
This issue seems related to the structure more, I would suggest you try to enable the azure_ai_search.indexes is populated as below. Or another way, you may just update your file list and update your assistant directly.
Please have a try and let us know how it works, if it is not working, I would recommend you raising a support ticket for this case, I am happy to enable you a free ticket since this scenario is not covered and the feature is still on preview stage.
# Ensure azure_ai_search.indexes is populated, even if it's a placeholder
if not my_thread.tool_resources.azure_ai_search.indexes:
my_thread.tool_resources.azure_ai_search.indexes = ["your_index_name"] # Replace with your actual index name if using Search
# Maintain the file_ids limit of 20 by removing the oldest file_id if needed
if len(my_thread.tool_resources.code_interpreter.file_ids) >= 20:
# Append the new file_id
# Update the thread with the fully populated tool_resources
my_thread = client.beta.threads.update(
I hope this helps.
-Please kindly accept the answer if you feel helpful to support the community, thanks a lot.