OneDrive loads CPU to 30% by writing logs into a folder which is 3,3 Gb big (72862 files in there)
I use OneDrive on Windows 11 Pro (10.0.22631.4460).
I have a Premium Personal account on Microsoft 365, My 1TB storage is 80% full.
One Drive version is 24.216.1027.0003.
My log folder is C:\Users\live\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\logs\ . Number of files there is: 72 862 (so far). Folder side: 3,3 Gb
File names are like:
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 33791 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115257.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 33109 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115258.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 33128 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115259.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 35158 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115260.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 32569 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115261.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 33007 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115262.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 34306 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115263.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 24411 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115264.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 30743 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115265.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 31121 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115266.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 31597 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115267.odlgz
-a---- 24.11.2024 5:29 40252 SyncEngine-2024-11-24.0429.15356.115268.odlgz
And OneDrive constantly writes small bites of data there. So it literally logs something every 10 msec or so, making CPU load up by 20-30%, even when all files are in sync. How do I avoid that?
The only thing that helps is to pause synchronization but I can't have it paused all the time!
What's written in SyncDiagnostics.log:
Sync Diagnostics - Sync Progress
SyncProgressState: 65536
Diagnostic Report
UtcNow: 2024-11-24T10:14:18.0000000Z
BytesDownloaded = 0
BytesToDownload = 0
BytesToUpload = 623398902
BytesUploaded = 2442700
ChangesToProcess = 161190
ChangesToSend = 0
DownloadSpeedBytesPerSec = 0
EstTimeRemainingInSec = 4934
FilesToDownload = 0
FilesToUpload = 139
OfficeSyncActive = 0
OfficeSyncEnabled = 0
SymLinkCount = 1
UploadSpeedBytesPerSec = 126331
activeHydrations = 0
appId = 77
bytesAvailableOnDiskDrive = 570949566464
cid = 095877e0b457f343
clientType = Win32
clientVersion = 24.216.1027.0003
conflictsFailed = 0
conflictsHandled = 0
cpuPercentage = -1
cpuTimeSecs = 1600
currentPrivateWorkingSetKB = 1421368
datVersion = 54
dehydrations = 0
device = *****
deviceID = 0acb6d7c-8b33-bb3b-859f-a2fa2c6b438e
diskFlushOpsDelta = -1
diskReadBytesDelta = -1
diskReadOpsDelta = -1
diskWriteBytesDelta = -1
diskWriteOpsDelta = -1
driveChangesToSend = 0
driveSentChanges = 0
drivesChangeEnumPending = 0
drivesConnected = 1
drivesScanRequested = 0
drivesWaitingForInitialSync = 0
env = Production
errorFromGetDiskSizeAPICall = 0
failedBytesDownloadedTotal = 0
failedBytesUploadedTotal = 0
files = 594005
filesToDownload = 161135
flavor = ship
folders = 117091
fullScanCount = 2
instanceID = 48bafae7-82b1-40c1-a9af-52bb691b529a
invalidatedScanCount = 0
isMsftInternal = 0
numAbortedMissingServerChanges = 0
numAbortedNoLongerIdle = 0
numAbortedReSyncNeeded = 0
numAbortedUnexpectedHttpStatus = 0
numAbortedWatcherEtagDifference = 0
numDeleteConvToUnmap = 0
numDownloadErrorsReported = 0
numDrives = 1
numDrivesNeedingEventualScan = 0
numExternalFileUploads = 0
numFileDownloads = 0
numFileFailedDownloads = 0
numFileFailedUploads = 9999
numFileInWarning = 0
numFileUploads = 16
numHashMismatchErrorsReported = 0
numLcChangeFile = 23
numLcChangeFolder = 0
numLcCreateFile = 4
numLcCreateFolder = 0
numLcDeleteFile = 2
numLcDeleteFolder = 0
numLcMoveFile = 0
numLcMoveFolder = 0
numLocalChanges = 760
numProcessors = 8
numRealizerErrorsReported = 0
numResyncs = 0
numSelSyncDrives = 0
numUploadErrorsReported = 0
officeVersion = 16.0.18129.20158
officeVersionDot = 0
originator = 74a6c258-98f4-45a2-bd30-b919ee6a3013
passiveHydrations = 0
pid = 15356
placeholdersEnabled = 1
preciseScanCount = 2
privateWorkingSetKB = 1421368
privateWorkingSetKBIncreaseDuringSyncVerification = 0
processPrivateCommitKB = -1
processVirtualMemoryUsedKB = -1
scanState = 6
scanStateStallDetected = 0
seOfficeFiles = 0
seOfficeFilesToDownload = 0
seOfficeFilesToUpload = 0
successfulBytesDownloadedTotal = 0
successfulBytesUploadedTotal = 0
syncProgressState = 65536
syncStallDetected = 1
sync_progress_id = 29ee46eb-82b8-4267-9b78-cdc1a149eb14
threadCount = 61
timeUtc = 2024-11-24T10:14:18.0000000Z
totalDoScanWorkCpuTimeInMs = 5012879
totalDuration = -1
totalInvalidatedScanCpuTimeInMs = 0
totalProcessCpuTime = -1
totalScanCpuTimeInMs = 68252952842022784
totalSizeOfDiskDrive = 2000342216704
totalSubScopes = 1
uptimeSecs = 81432
userOverriddenConcurrentUploads = 0
username = *****
vaultState = 2
version = 505
wasFileDBReset = 0
StallErrorSummary = [Source:1 Reason:334 Context:0 ScopeID:95877E0B457F343!110 Files:139 Hits:9982 Extensions:none;bz2;doc;docx;gif;gz;jpg;lnk;pdf;php;png;rar;rdp;sql;url;xlsx;zip;]