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I think to troubleshoot the issue of the VM image not being found, ensure that the image details are correct and that the image is available in the specified region.
- Check Image Availability: Ensure that the image f5-networks:f5-big-ip-byol:f5-big-all-1slot-byol:16.1.00000 is available in the region you are trying to deploy. You can use the Azure CLI command to list available images
az vm image list --publisher f5-networks --offer f5-big-ip-byol --sku f5-big-all-1slot-byol --all
- Verify Resource Group and Region: Ensure that the resource group and region specified in your command are correct and that the image is available in that region.
- Permissions: Ensure that your account has the necessary permissions to access and deploy the specified image
Please check and let us know if any questions
kindly accept answer if it helps