Azure Web App Deployment Successful but Site Not Accessible - Stuck Loading Repository

Eric L 25 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

I have deployed a web app, but it is not accessible when trying to access it via its URL.In the Azure Web App Deployment Center the status shows the app deployed successfully and the status is "Active". However the Project, Repository, and Branch seem stuck at the "Loading..." step (see image). I am also seeing a blank screen when trying to check the site/wwwroot directory. Is this a problem withe my pipeline YAML configuration?

User's image

Including the pipeline YAML code since the zip may not be extracting properly:

- main

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

- name: nodeVersion
  type: string
  default: '18.x'
- name: buildConfiguration
  type: string
  default: 'Release'
- name: appName
  type: string
  default: 'human-eval-web-app'
- name: azureSubscription
  type: string
  default: 'human-eval-azure-service-connect'

- task: NodeTool@0
    versionSpec: ${{ parameters.nodeVersion }}
  displayName: 'Install Node.js'

- script: |
    npm install
    npm run build
  displayName: 'Install dependencies and build'

- script: |
    echo "Moving build output to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop"
    mkdir -p $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop
    if [ -d "dist" ]; then
      cp -R dist/* $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop
      echo "dist directory not found"
      exit 1
  displayName: 'Move build output'

- task: ArchiveFiles@2
    rootFolderOrFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/drop'
    includeRootFolder: false
    archiveType: 'zip'
    archiveFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip'
    replaceExistingArchive: true
  displayName: 'Archive build output'

- script: |
    echo "Listing contents of $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
    ls -R $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
  displayName: 'List contents of Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory'

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/$(Build.BuildId).zip'
    ArtifactName: 'drop'

- task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2
    buildType: 'current'
    artifactName: 'drop'
    targetPath: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop'

- script: |
    echo "Listing contents of $(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop"
    ls -R $(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop
  displayName: 'List contents of Pipeline.Workspace/drop'

- task: AzureWebApp@1
    azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.azureSubscription }}
    appName: ${{ parameters.appName }}
    package: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/$(Build.BuildId).zip'
  displayName: 'Deploy to Azure Web App'

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. VenkateshDodda-MSFT 22,401 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    @Eric L Thanks for your patience and time for offline discussion. I am summarizing our discussion and posting the same as Answer.

    Issue: Customer deployment center page stuck in loading while deploying his application to app service via deployment center from Azure DevOps with VSO deployment provider.


    • Upon investigating further into the logs, found the port conflict error in while running the app service.
    • Customer modified their Yaml files with those port changes and redeployed their application to app service on containers.
    • Post the deployment they are able to access the application without any issue.

    Hope this helps, let me know if you have any further questions on this.

    Please accept as "Yes" if the answer is helpful so that it can help others in the community.

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