Restore backups created with Azure Backup Vault
I have a backup vault in Azure that store long term backups of my Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Servers.
Problem is that I can't restore the backups. When I restore the backups in the portal, the .sql files are restored to the selected blob storage as they should. I can download the file 'database.sql' but the content is encrypted. The database and the backup vault use different customer managed keys (CMK). I have access to both RSA keys, but decryption won't work
% openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey rsa.pem -in database.sql -out decrypted_database.sql
Public Key operation error 000C82FE01000000:error:0200006C:rsa routines:rsa_ossl_private_decrypt:data greater than mod len:crypto/rsa/rsa_ossl.c:561: