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Unable to run VisualGDB Unit Tests from Azure DevOps CI
Umair Asghar
Reputation points
Azure DevOps Question!!!
I'm trying to run Unit Tests from Azure DevOps using [VisualGDB + JLink debugger] on a remote target. Running unit tests from agent server's command line work successfully and I got a compiled report for unit tests.
But from CI the Unit Tests task just stuck and timeout, here you can see;
Moreover, while this task is stuck the required process[VisualGDB + JLinkGDBremoteCLI.exe] got created on agent server but they don't work ... Here's the script I'm using to run unit tests
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run Unit Tests'
timeoutInMinutes: 3
continueOnError: true
targetType: inline
script: |
cd $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/source/${{parameters.sourceDir}}
VisualGDB.exe /runtests ${{parameters.sourceDir}}.vgdbcmake /platform:Hardware /config:RelWithDebInfo /targetPath:$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)\unittest /vsoutput:${{parameters.sourceDir}}-unit-test-report.trx
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=timedOut]false"