@Marcos Vodanovich
Thank you for posting this in Microsoft Q&A.
As I understand you are unable to access Azure resources due to MFA prompt that you are getting while logging in.
Since you mentioned that until last week you were not prompted for MFA at all, there could be only 2 options due to which you are prompted for MFA.
- You are redirected to some other directory while trying to access Azure.
- Or someone in your tenant might have forced MFA through authenticator app for all users.
To fix this issue you can try to login to below URL by appending your tenant's name in the URL.
https://portal.azure.com/<tenant name>.
For example, https://portal.azure.com/contoso.onmicrosoft.com
By browsing to above URL, you will be redirected to your tenant in particular.
If the above solution doesn't work, then you will have to contact Global administrator of your tenant to get your account excluded from MFA in the tenant.
If you are the only global admin on the account and are blocked entirely, you can reach out to our support team. You can look into below article to get support numbers depending on your country.
or creating a ticket through a different account: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-support?view=o365-worldwide#phone-support
Create a ticket with Microsoft support team. Give them the tenant ID which is locked out in your description. Tell them that no admin account has access anymore and your partners also have no access anymore.
Once you create a ticket with support team you will have to work with our data protection team. You will have to first prove your identity against your tenant for security purpose. Post that this team will help you with help you in getting access to your tenant or unlock your account depending on your scenario.
Also, for the future, you can create an emergency access account (break glass) in Azure AD. This account will help prevent being accidentally locked out of your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) organization because you can't sign in for any reason.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Please "[Accept the answer] (https://docs.microsoft.com/answers/support/accepted-answers)" if the information helped you. This will help us and others in the community as well.