Not able to renew token for okta sso login using MSAL in the React js application through the Azure b2c
Find the login flow in the diagram.
Actually, we used the msal package in the frontend application to login. The login functionality working correctly for both B2C and Okta, but the renew token functionality is not working only for Okta.
The first issue is the account details not available in the msal instance after the successful login
The second one is the token details are not saved in the local storage.
Configuration details:
msal config:
auth: {
clientId: process.env.REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID,
knownAuthorities: [b2cPolicies.authorityDomain], // taking from constant
authority: b2cPolicies.authorities.signUpSignIn.authority, // taking from constant
redirectUri: window.location.origin,
postLogoutRedirectUri: '/',
navigateToLoginRequestUrl: true,
cache: {
cacheLocation: 'localStorage',
storeAuthStateInCookie: true,
Scope: openid, offline_access
the B2C policy configured for Okta as an identity provider includes
<Item Key="response_types">code</Item>
<Item Key="scope">openid profile email offline_access</Item>
I also tried with response type as id_token and code token
Okta admin console
Offline_access scope is enabled.
We have this issue only for Okta, for B2C it is working.
The below are the redirect URL format to the forntend application from b2c
B2c User login: http://localhost:3000/#state=*&client_info=&code
Okta user login: http://localhost:3000/sign-in#id_token=