@AMOUALIAN Hesam Today's update, as the highest priority to fix this issue, product team is working on it. However, there is a path to unblock customers if you can perform a one-time activity of using the file IDs of the files uploaded to the previous vector store to create a new vector store. You can continue using the same top-level resource and region without facing any issues.
@Patrik Berglund Thanks for your comment, these are public preview services which don't fall under our SLAs for communications. The Azure portal is only used for niche, broad impact or indeterminable impact situations as per the link on the status page that explains all here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-health/azure-status-overview#when-does-azure-publish-communications-to-the-status-page
However, product team has sent a targeted portal message, you may see that in your portal. I hope this helps.