None of the above recommendations worked
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The title of this question matches your problem description.
In that post user CaliDogg7 replied that he solved the problem by deleting an empty task file that he found.
Open Powershell_ISE with "run as administrator" and run this script. See if it detects a mismatch or an empty file.
$files = Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\System32\Tasks -file -Recurse
"File count = {0}" -f $files.count
$tasks = Get-ScheduledTask
"Task count = {0}" -f $tasks.count
if ($files.count -ne $tasks.Count) {
$t = $tasks.taskname | Sort-Object
$f = $ | Sort-Object
"Here is whats different."
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $f -DifferenceObject $t
$sm = $files | Where-Object -Property Length -lt 1000
if ($sm.count -gt 0) {
"Here are the small files."
$sm | ft -Property Length, FullName
} else {
"No small files detected."