Tested multiple time for system complaince It passed each time. But when I'm trying to check in during exam it's failing. Connected with pearsonVue help desk they raised the case for this. But this is a very bad expirience also not able to take exam until they come back with solution. 2 time same thing happened for me. This is frustrating.
Sharing the error detail below. Anyone faced this issue before, If yes how can we resolve this.
System Deatils:
Latptop: Macbook Air M1
Exam: DP 600
Note: All access given and System is up to date
Error message:
Video streaming connection results and requirements:
- Your home/office network failed to connect to the required video streaming service.
- The streaming connection requires that Wowza.com can be reached as well as a stable connection of at least 1mb upload and download speeds.
How to connect to our video streaming service:
- Contact your network administrators and ensure the following:
- Any network filtering software is disabled
• • WebRTC WebSocket connections must be allowed to ..cloud.wowza.com on TCP port 80, 443, 1935.Video streaming connection results and requirements:
- Your home/office network failed to connect to the required video streaming service.
- The streaming connection requires that Wowza.com can be reached as well as a stable connection of at least 1mb upload and download speeds.
How to connect to our video streaming service:
- Contact your network administrators and ensure the following:
- Any network filtering software is disabled • • WebRTC WebSocket connections must be allowed to ..cloud.wowza.com on TCP port 80, 443, 1935.