Hello, I'm trying to get the onlineMeeting object, tried using the joinWebUrl filter, but it always return a 404.
endpoint I'm using is /v1.0/users/{user}/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq 'URL'
Tried to url encode everytthing after the JoinWebUrl (to remove spaces and other characters)
My sample URL:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/******@latam.stefanini.com/onlineMeetings?$filter=JoinWebUrl%20eq%20 'https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:meeting_ZjJlMWQ3YTMtZWI5Yy00ZTNiLTg4YmUtNDgyZTdkYWExNGEw%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3a"d8bde65a-3ded-4346-9518-670204e6e184"%2c"Oid"%3a"ceff7fa8-b5a8-4776-afca-63b07fe42956"}'
Kindly let me know what can be done to solve it as the link is valid and if I list this meeting using the /events endpoint, it is also there.
Always receive this json as the result:
{ "error": { "code": "UnknownError", "message": "", "innerError": { "date": "2025-01-22T03:47:10", "request-id": "4ec2d9ac-dfc6-4a89-843c-a7f47c5b896b", "client-request-id": "8602d002-0404-8224-80af-96fe9502cce7" } } }
Yes I know the prerequisites for obtaining one
Yes I know the Event Id (from the events endpoint) is not the meetingId
Yes I'm the organizer and/or participant of the meeting
Yes the application has the API Permissions