Thank you. I tried this but the error is still exist. Just to be clear here are the details I tried
After I changed the password in Active Directory
- Executed below command on both WFE servers
$newpassword=ConvertTo-SecureString -String "xxxxxxxxxxxx" -AsPlainText -Force
Set-SPManagedAccount -Identity $username -ExistingPassword $newpassword -UseExistingPassword:$true
- 'Services' turn on or restart all except FIM services as Microsoft recommends not to start from Services
- IIS Application pool reset the new password
- Central Admin -> Managed account -> Edit and update the password
- Upprovision and provision UPS error remains there
- Rebooted both WFE servers
- I also updated again with STSADM -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin spportal\sp_admin -password xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [-local] - both with local and without I tried.
- Reset IIS
I am also see in the event viewer randomly FIM error:
“BAIL: MMS(360): server.cpp(374): 0x8023043f (Service start up has failed. A connection to SQL Server could not be established because of an authentication failure.)”
Please advise any other suggestion.
I am also planning to delete UPSA without database delete and plan to create new UPSA and hookup with existing Profile DB, Sync DB and Social DB. Please let me know if this will connect if Service establishing is on the same server.
Appreciate any help.