Thanks for your big help, everything works ok now, I just recreated the webApi...
AD B2C Updating App Registration
cannot update app registration, always getting this error:
"Failed to update myApp application. Error detail: The Required Resource Access specified in the request is invalid. Please check the resource ids and the permission ids and try again. [YUyip6dHojp9bSgQp4gZW8]"
How I can resolve this?
2 additional answers
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Richard Revelar 96 Reputation points
2021-01-14T14:14:14.697+00:00 changing to App Registration -> Authentication - any attempt to change to any fields will always give this error when clicking the save button: I did uncheck "Access Token" then save, add entry to "logout URL" then save, delete one redirect URL then save... each will show the error
Richard Revelar 96 Reputation points
2021-01-14T19:09:44.487+00:00 that was very helpful hint, just removed the permissions on WEB and works.
Now I am trying to update scopes in API, but everytime I save it gives me this everytime
"Failed to update My WebAPI application. Error detail: Service is temporarily unavailable. Please wait and retry again. [9sHPZynigEtgd+KIAFrI5s]"
any new hint?