How to get the handle and information (display name, etc.) of two conventional displays in copy mode

Afon.zhang 396 Reputation points

How to get the handle and information (display name, etc.) of two conventional displays in copy mode。

There are two conventional displays。
Set to copy mode。
How to get the handle of two monitors。

Windows API - Win32
Windows API - Win32
A core set of Windows application programming interfaces (APIs) for desktop and server applications. Previously known as Win32 API.
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  1. Afon.zhang 396 Reputation points
    First, set the monitor to copy mode.
    Set copy mode: you can manually modify Windows settings and set them to copy mode. You can also use setdisplayconfig (0, null, 0, null, SDC)_ APPLY | SDC_ TOPOLOGY_ Clone); / / set to copy mode
    class MyInfo
        int m_nFlag; //是否是主屏 0 - 否 其他是
        m_nFlag = 0; //是否是主屏 0 - 否 其他是
        m_HMONITOR = 0;
    list<MyInfo> m_listInfo;
    int numScreen = 0;
    BOOL CALLBACK MonitorEnumProc(HMONITOR hMonitor,HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData)
        static bool first = true; / / flag
        MyInfo myInfo;
        //Save display information
        MONITORINFO monitorinfo;
        monitorinfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
        //Get the display information and save it in monitorinfo
        GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &monitorinfo);
        myInfo.m_ nFlag = monitorinfo.dwFlags;
        myInfo.m_ HMONITOR = hMonitor;
        m_listInfo.push_ back(myInfo);
        if (monitorinfo.dwFlags == MONITORINFOF_ PRIMARY)
            if(first) // the home screen is detected for the first time
                first = FALSE;
                numScreen = 1;
                return TRUE;
            else //if the main screen is detected for the second time, it means that all monitors have been detected, so the detection can be stopped
                First = true; // flag reset
                Return false; // end detection
        return TRUE;
    //get monitor handle
    void Test()
        EnumDisplayMonitors(NULL, NULL, MonitorEnumProc, 0);
        CString strNum = "";
        strNum.Format("current monitor num=%d", numScreen);
        ::AfxMessageBox(strNum); // num = 1 
        BOOL bFlag;
        INT iNumber = 0;
        for each (auto v in m_listInfo)
            if (v.m_nflag == 1) // if it is the home screen - it can only be the home screen, because only one display can be enumerated in copy mode
                HMONITOR hMonitor = NULL;
                DWORD cPhysicalMonitors = 1;
                CWnd *hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
                hMonitor = v.m_ HMONITOR;
                //hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(*hwnd,MONITOR_ DEFAULTTOPRIMARY);
                BOOL bSuccess;
                bSuccess = GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(hMonitor,&cPhysicalMonitors); // cphysicalmonitors will automatically change to 2 - because I currently have two monitors
                LPPHYSICAL_ MONITOR pPhysicalMonitors = (LPPHYSICAL_ MONITOR)malloc(
                    cPhysicalMonitors * sizeof(PHYSICAL_ MONITOR));
                if (pPhysicalMonitors != NULL)
                    bSuccess = GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(
                        v.m_ HMONITOR, cPhysicalMonitors, pPhysicalMonitors);
                    //Display 1 handle pphysicalmonitors [0]. Hphysicalmonitor
                    //Display 2 handle pphysicalmonitors [1]. Hphysicalmonitor
                    //This is the place to deal with your own logic
                    free(pPhysicalMonitors); //free
        //Simple explanation:
        Set the monitor to copy mode.
        Enumdisplaymonitors is used to enumerate displays, and the number of displays enumerated in copy mode is 1。
        call getnumberofphysicalmonitorsfromhmonitor。
        To lpphysical_ Monitor allocates memory。
        Use the function getphysicalmonitorsfromhmonitor to get the monitor handle。
        The monitor handle is in the index of the pphysicalmonitors structure array。
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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