Windows Server 2012
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Hi Everyone!
I try to delete carriage return in a file, all lines have a "}" at end, but some lines, have a return carriage and the "}" its down.... Here an example of my code and file, but doesn't work. Thank You Very Much!!
(Get-Content $InputFile) | ForEach-Object -Begin {
$results = @()
} -Process {
$out = $_.Split("}").GetUpperBound(0)
]$iOut = [int
if($iOut -lt 1){$_.Replace("`r`n",
} | Set-Content $OutPutFile
File: 33|1|||19|2020-04-22|76515729|CARMONA Y CARMONA|||0|0|0||0|
33|2|||19|2020-04-22|76519254|COMERCIALIZADORA CECINAS LA ALEMANA LTDA|||0|0|0||0|
33|3|||19|2020-04-22|76524673|SOCIEDAD GANADERA NEVADA LTDA|||0|0|0||0|
33|4|||19|2020-04-22|76524692|GESTION DE PROYECTOS INGENIERIA Y CONSTR|||0|1|1||1|
33|5|||19|2020-04-22|76524805|SOCIEDAD DE SERVICIOS RD RENTAL LIMITADA|||0|1|1||0|
33|6|||19|2020-04-22|76526632|CENTRO DE DIAGNOSTICO Y RESONANCIA SPA|||2|2|2||2|
33|7|||19|2020-04-22|76536309|UNISERVICE SPA|||4|4|4||4|
33|8|||19|2020-04-22|76536461|AGRICOLA,FORESTAL E INMOBILIARIA BOSQUE |||0|3|3||0|
33|6313350|||19|2020-04-22|76539612|INGENIERIA Y SERVICIOS LOS NOGALES SPA
33|9|||19|2020-04-22|76550378|TRANSPORTES LAYANA Y CABRERA LIMITADA|||0|5|5||5|
33|10|||19|2020-04-22|76555900|AGRICOLA DECOTERRA LIMITADA|||0|5|5||5|
33|11|||19|2020-04-22|76556837|TECMA ASCENSORES LTDA.|||0|2|2||2|
33|12|||19|2020-04-22|76562934|CORREO PRIV. TEF Y RECAUD. LORENA DONOSO|||0|4|4||4|
33|13|||19|2020-04-22|76570460|RESGUARDO Y SEGURIDAD LTDA|||0|0|0||0|
This is a little clumsy (maybe someone will write a zero-length negative lookahead regex that's more elegant!), but it works:
$in = Get-Content c:\junk\yuri.txt -raw
$in = $in -replace "`r`n", '' -replace "}$","" # remove all Cr/Lf AND the last "}"
$out = $in -split '}'
$out |
"$_}" | Add-Content c:\junk\yuri1.txt