Hello All,
Environment is : Windows Server 2008 AD & Windows 10 PC
We've deployed a user logon GPO via AD but one of Win10 user cannot applied the GPO.
We try to delete user's profile and let him re-login to auto create a new user profile, then the logon GPO can deploy successfully.
But when we restore his original files to his desktop then re-login to test GPO; It fails.
Then we think does the issue related to files permission? thus we delete + recreate the user profile again& again. And conclusion is: the GPO can deploy successfully until we do something on the C:, even if only create a new text file in his desktop, GPO will fail after relogin.
gpresult is normal, and the result of manual gpupdate same as auto deploy.
It's so strange and if anyone can provide some idea to us? Thanks so much!!!